Saturday, 27 February 2016

जापान !!

👌जापान के बारे में प्राप्त जानकारी, अपने,"मित्र समूहों" के साथ साझा करूँगा!!!

👌बुद्धा को मानने वाला देश जापान, लगभग 6800 द्वीपो से मिलकर बना है !! 
👌 इस देश का नाम,कुछ भी नया करने में,सबसे आगे रहता है !!! यहां के लोग कितने मेहनती हैं, इस बात का अंदाजा यही से लगाया जा सकता है,कि दूसरे विश्वयुद्ध में, अमेरिका जैसे देशों ने,जोर लगा लिया था !! 
👌लेकिन,जापान पीछे हटने को तैयार नहीं हुआ। आज हम जापान से जुड़े,कुछ रोचक तथ्य बताएंगे !! जो शायद आप न जानते हों! !।

👌1. जापान में हर साल लगभग 1500 भुकंम्प आते हैं! !मतलब कि हर दिन चार !!

👌2. मुसलमानों को “नागरिकता” न देने वाला,"जापान"अकेला राष्ट्र है। 
👌यहाँ तक कि,"मुसलमानों"को जापान में,किराए पर मकान भी नहीं मिलता।

👌3. जापान के किसी "विश्वविद्यालय"में"अरबी"या अन्य कोई"इस्लामी भाषा",नहीं सिखाई जाती।!!

👌4. कुत्ता पालने वाला,प्रत्येक जापानी नागरिक,उसे घुमाते समय, अपने साथ एक विशेष बैग रखता है !! जिसमें वह उसका मल,"एकत्रित" कर लेता है।!

👌5. जापान में,10 साल की उम्र होने तक, बच्चों को, कोई"परीक्षा" नहीं देनी पड़ती।

👌6. जापान में "बच्चे,"और "अध्यापक"एक साथ मिलकर, Classroom को साफ करते हैं ।

👌7. जापान के लोगों की,औसत आयु दुनियां में सबसे ज्यादा है !! (82 साल). 
👌जापान में,100 साल से ज्यादा उम्र के,50,000 लोग हैं! !।

👌8. जापान के पास,किसी प्रकार के"प्राकृतिक संसाधन"नहीं हैं! !
👌और वे प्रतिवर्ष,"सैंकड़ों भूकंप" भी, झेलते हैं !! किन्तु उसके बाद भी, "जापान दुनिया" की दूसरी सबसे बड़ी,"आर्थिक शक्ति" है!!।

👌9. “Sumo” जापान की,सबसे "लोकप्रिय"खेल है !!इसके इलावा बेसबाल भी, काफी लोकप्रिय है !!

👌10. जापान में,सबसे ज्यादा लोग पढ़े लिखे हैं! !जहां साक्षरता दर,100% है !!
👌जहां,अखबारों और न्युज चैनलों में,भारत की तरह,दुर्घटना, राजनीति, वाद-विवाद, फिल्मी मसालों,आदि पर,खबरे नहीँ छपती !!
👌यहां पर,अखबारों में,आधुनिक जानकारी और आवश्क खबरें ही छपती हैं !!!

👌11. जापान में,जो किताबें प्रकाशित होती हैं !! उन में से 20% Comic Books होती हैं !!

👌12. जापान में,नववर्ष का स्वागत,"मंदिर"में 108 घंटियाँ बजा कर,किया जाता है।!!

13. जापानी,समय के बहुत पक्के हैं! ! यहां तो ट्रेने भी,"ज्यादा से ज्यादा" "18 सैकेंड"लेट होती हैं! !।
👌14. “Vending Machine”, वह मशीन होती है !! जिसमें सिक्का डालने से,कोई चीज आदि,निकल आती है !! जेसे कि, noodles,अंडे, केले,आदि !!
👌जब आप,जापान में होगे तो, इन मशीनों को हर जगह,पाएँगे !!यह हर सड़क पर होती हैं  !!जापान में लगभग "55 लाख वेंडिंग मशीन" हैं! !।

👌15.  जापान में, देर रात,तक "नाचना"मना है।

👌16. जापान में, एक ऐसी बिल्डिंग भी है,जिसके बीच से"हाइवे", गुजरता है।

👌17. जापान चारों और से,"समुंदर"से घिरा होने के बावजूद, भी 27 प्रतीशत मछलियां,दूसरे देशों से मंगवाता है !!

👌18. "काली बिल्ली"को,जापान में,"भाग्यशाली"माना जाता है।

👌19. जापान में, 90% “Mobile WaterProof” हैं! !क्योकिं,ये लोग नहाते समय भी,फोन यूज करते हैं! !।
👌20. जापान में,70 तरह की “fanta” मिलती हैं! !।

👌21. जापान में,सबसे ज्यादा सड़के ऐसी हैं, जिनका कोई नाम नहीं है।

👌22. जापानियो के पास, “Sorry” कहने के,20 से ज्यादा तरीके हैं ।

👌23. जापान,दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा,"आॅटोमोबाइल"निर्माता है।

👌24. साल 2011 में,जापान में जो "भूकंप"आया था !! वह आज तक का,सबसे तेज भूकंप था।
👌 इस भूकंप से,पृथ्वी के “घूमने की गति” में, 1.8 microseconds की वृद्धि हुई थी।

👌25. जापान,दुनिया का केवल एकलौता देश है!!  जिस पर “परमाणु बमों” का हमला हुआ है !!
👌 जैसा कि,आप जानते ही हैं कि,  अमेरिका ने,6 और 9 अगस्त 1945 में,"हीरोशिमा और नागाशाकी"पर, बम फेंके थे !!
👌इन बमों को,"little-boy"और "Fat-man"नाम दिया गया था !!
👌26. "जापान में इस्लाम पंथ"नहीं होने के कारण,वहाँ"स्लीपर सेल"नहीं हैं !! और वहाँ एक भी,"आतंकी वारदात"नहीं हुई है।!!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

मै प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी का सम्मान करता हुं !!!

क्या इससे पहले देखा था की..➖ किसी प्रधानमंत्री का सगा छोटा_भाई (श्री. प्रल्हाद मोदी) बिना किसी सुरक्षा के, आश्रम एक्सप्रेस की जनरल बोगी से दिल्ली जाकर, राशन की दुकानदारो के मार्जिन बढ़ाने के लिए आन्दोलन करे ?

➖ आज भारत में एक ऐसा प्रधानमंत्री है, जिसके परिवार के सभी सदस्य अपनीे मेहनत से कमाया हुवा खाते है..!!

नरेंद्र मोदी जी के अन्य चार भाई..!!
➖ एक भाई पेंशन याफ्ता है..!!
➖ एक भाई कारखाने मे लेथ मशीन चलाता है..!!
➖ एक भाई सुबह से शाम तक सरकारी कोटे वाली
राशन की दुकान में चीनी-गेंहू-केरोसिन तौलता है..!!
➖ एक भाई सूचना विभाग में काम करता है..!!

इकलौती बहन का पति एलआईसी में क्लास थर्ड रिटायर है..! और वो गुजरात के एक छोटे से गाँव में रहता है...!
नरेंद्र मोदी की भतीजी ने प्रथम श्रेणी मे ग्रेजुएशन करने के बाद अच्छी नौकरी की आस मे  निवास जाकर नरेंद्र मोदी को अपनी इच्छा जताने पर, मोदीजी ने अपनी जेब से ₹ १०१ देते हुये कहां था, " बेटी एक अकेली आप हकदार नही, बल्कि सारे गुजरात की बेटीयां मेरी है..! मै उनके साथ अन्याय नही कर सकता..!! आपको मेरा आशिर्वाद है..। स्पर्धा परीक्षा की तैयारी करके, अपना मुकाम स्वयं हासिल करो..! "
आज जरा मंत्री क्या बन गये..
अरे मंत्री छोड़ो, जरा सी सत्ता क्या हासिल कर ली, अपने परिवार, सगे संबंधी..मामा..भांजे..जिजा..साले..सबको फायदा पहुचाने और कमाने की होड लग जात है..!!
अब आप ही बताये..ऐसे कालजयी व्यक्तित्व का मै सम्मान नही करू तो क्या करु..?

यदी मेरी बातों से आप संतुष्ट नही है..तो मुझे बताए..
➖अरविन्द केजरीवाल के घर वाले क्या करते है ?
➖राहुल गांधी के घर वाले क्या करते है ?
➖ लालू यादव के घर वाले क्या करते है ?
➖ मुलायम यादव के घर वाले क्या करते है ?
➖ मायावती के घर वाले क्या करते है ?

इनके अलावा जिनका भी नाम आपको याद आये उनका नाम बताएं..

ऐ दोस्त खिडकिया खोल
के देखने दे मुझे ..

मेरे वतन की नई तस्वीर बन
रही है..

🌻आज भारत फिरसे आजाद हुआ..

➖ जो पढ़ सके न खुद, किताबे मांग रहे है,

➖ खुद रख न पाए, वे हिसाब मांग रहे है।

➖ जो कर सके न साठ साल में कोई विकास देश का, वे एक साल में जवाब मांग रहे है।

➖ आज गधे गुलाब मांग रहे है, चोर लुटेरे इन्साफ मांग रहे है।

➖ जो लुटते रहे देश को 60 सालों तक,

सुना है , आज वो एक साल का हिसाब मांग रहे है?


वर्षों बाद एक नेता को माँ गंगा की आरती करते देखा है,

वरना अब तक, एक परिवार की समाधियों पर फूल चढ़ते देखा है।

वर्षों बाद, एक नेता को अपनी मातृभाषा में बोलते देखा है ।

वरना अब तक रटी रटाई अंग्रेजी बोलते देखा है।

 ➖ अब तक एक परिवार की मूर्तियां बनते देखा है।

वर्षों बाद, एक नेता को संसद की माटी चूमते देखा है

वर्षों बाद, एक नेता को देश के लिए रोते देखा है,

➖ पाकिस्तान को घबराते देखा है,

➖ अमेरिका को झुकते देखा है।
इतने वर्षों बाद भारत माँ को खुलकर मुस्कुराते देखा है।

नाम इसलिए उँचा हैं हमारा क्योंकि, हम बदला लेने की नही, बदलाव लाने की सोच रखते हैं..।

lines to ponder!!

Sometimes I feel I want to go back in times...
Not to change things,
but to feel a
couple of things twice...
Sometimes I wish I was a baby for a while...
Not to be walked in the pram
but to see my
mother's smile...
Sometimes I wish I cud go back to school...
Not to become a child,
but to learn how to be cool...
Sometimes I wish I could be back in the university...
Not to be a rebel but,
to understand what I study...
Sometimes I wish I was a fresher at my work...
Not to do less work but,
to recall the joy of the
 first pay cheque...
Sometimes I wish I could marry again all over...
Not to change
the partner but,
to understand the
ceremony better...
Sometimes I wish my kids were younger...
Not because they grew fast but, to play with them
a bit more...
Sometimes I feel I still had some more time to live...
Not to have a longer life but,
to know what I could give...
Never can the times
come back that are gone...

Hilarious observations

I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds.  People move out of the way much faster now! 
Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers. Now they drink like their father
I decided to change calling the bathroom the bathroom and renamed it the gym.  I feel so much better saying I went to the gym this morning.
I don't need anger management. I need people to stop irritating me!
When I was a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment... now, as a grown up, it just feels like a small vacation!
The biggest lie I tell myself is... "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."
I don't have grey hair. I have "wisdom highlights". I'm just very wise.
The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back "no" which is shorter than "yes".
I've lost my mind and I'm pretty sure my spouse took it!
Of course I talk to myself.. as sometimes I need expert advice


Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Words with W

Your all answer should start with "W" only
1. We all drink __water
2. A colour __white
3. A dry fruit__walnut
4. A direction__west
5. Marriage__wows
6. Vehicles have__wheels
7. Seven days__week
8. Buildings have__walls
9. Purse__wallet
10. Fight__wrestle
11. March 8__woman's day 
12. Aquatic  mammal__whale
13. Salary__wage
14. Exercise__weight loss
15. Health is ___wealth
16. Opposite of length__width
17. An app__whatsapp
18. A week day__wednesday
19. Where goods are stored__warehouse
20. Place for storing clothes__wardrobe
21. A term used in cricket__wicket
22. A wild animal__wolf
23. Selling goods in large quantities__wholesale
24. 2/3 of earth is__water
25. Earth__world
26. Spider's house__web
27. A fruit__watermelon
28. A body part__waist
29. Clock__watch
30. Guard__watchman

Can you complete this?


Been to Laddakh for a week long family trip. 
Local driver was 28 years old chap named Jigmet. 
Jigmet's family consist of his parents, wife and two kid girls. 

This was the conversation with Jigmet, during our drives in deep Himalayan Ranges. 

Prashant -: At the end of this week tourist season in Laddakh will end. Are you planning to go to Goa, the way Nepali Workers from Hotels do ? 

Jigmet -: No, I am local Laddakhi, so I won't go any where in winter. 

Prashant -:What work will you do in winter ? 

Jigmet -: Nothing, will sit up quietly at home ( chuckles and winks ) 

Prashant -: For six months, up to next April ? 

Jigmet -: I have one option for working. It's to go to Siachen. 

Prashant -: Siachen ? What you will do there ? 

Jigmet -: Work as Loader for Indian Army. 

Prashant -: You mean, you will join Indian Army as Jawan ? 

Jigmet -: No, I have crossed age limit to join Army. This is a contract job for Indian Army. With my few friend drivers, I will travel 265 kilometers to Siachen Base camp, My medical examination will be done there to check, if I am fit enough for this job. If I am declared fit, then Army will issue us uniforms, shoes, warm clothing, helmets, etc, We will have to walk up mountains for 15 days to reach Siachen. There is no motorable road to reach Siachen. We will work there for 3 months. 

Prashant -: What work will you do ? 

Jigmet -: It is of loader. To carry load on our back from one chowki to other in Siachen. All supplies are airdropped there. We do the job of picking it up and carrying it in Chowki. 

Prashant -: Why Army does not use Mules or vehicles for shifting of loads ? 

Jigmet -: Siachen is a glacier. Trucks or other vehicle will not work there. Ice scooters make too much of sound, which will attract attention from enemy around there. Use of vehicle will result in firing from other side.We go out in the middle of night, generally around 2 am and pick up load silently and bring back to barracks. We can't even use a torch. Mules or horses cannot be used because at the altitude of 18875 feet, in winter temperature of minus 50 no animal will survive. 

Prashant -: How can you lift load on your back where oxygen levels are low ? 

Jigmet -: we carry maximum 15 kgs at a time. and we work maximum for 2 hours in a day. Rest of the time is for recapturing 

Prashant -: That is very risky 

Jigmet -: Many of my friend died there. Some of them fell in bottomless crevasses. Some got shot down by enemy bullets. The biggest danger we have in Siachen is of frost bites.   

Prashant -: This is life threatening 

Jigmet -: Yes, but it's rewarding, We are paid Rs 18000/- per month. Since all expenses are taken care of, we can save around Rs 50000/- in these three months. This money is precious for my family, for my daughter's education.and finally I have feeling that I am serving Army, which means my nation.

Sunday, 21 February 2016


Nice article, worth your time to read and fwd.

Airline Lunches - 

I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a  long flight to Delhi. 
'I'm glad I have a good book to read Perhaps I will get a short sleep,' I thought.

Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 
'Where are you guys headed?' I asked the Young man seated nearest to me. "Agra. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed for operations."

After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that lunches were available on payment. It would be several hours before we reached Delhi , and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time..

As I reached for my wallet, I overheard a soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that cost a lot of money, probably wouldn't be worth it. I'll wait till we get to Delhi ...." 
His buddy agreed.

I looked around at the other soldiers. None were buying lunch. I walked to the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant enough money to cover for 10 lunches and told her 'Take a lunch to all those soldiers..' 
She grabbed my arms and squeezed tightly. Her eyes wet with tears, she thanked me. 'My young brother was a soldier in Kargil , it's almost like you are doing it for him..'

Picking up ten lunchboxes, she headed up the aisle to where the boys were seated. 
She stopped at my seat and asked, 'Which do you like best - Veg or chicken?' 
'Chicken,' I replied, wondering why she asked..

She turned and went to the front of plane, returning a minute later with a dinner plate from first class. "This is your thanks".

After we finished eating, I went again to the back of the plane, heading for the rest room. An old man stopped me. 'I saw what you did. I want to be part of it. Here, take this.' He handed me a Rs 500/- note.
Soon after I returned to my seat,

I saw the Captain coming down the aisle, looking at the aisle numbers as he walked, I hoped he wasn't looking for me, but noticed he was looking at the numbers only on my side of the plane. When he got to my row he stopped, smiled, held out his hand, and said, 'I want to shake your hand.' 
Quickly unfastening my seat-belt I stood and took the Captain's hand. With a booming voice he said, 'I was an Air Force pilot a long time back. Once someone bought me lunch. It was an act of kindness I never forgot.' I was embarrassed when applause was heard from all of the passengers.

Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch my legs. A kid who looked about 18 was sitting about six rows in front of me reached out his hand, wanting to shake mine. I felt him stick a currency note in my palm.

When we landed I gathered my belongings and started to depart. Waiting just inside the aeroplane door was a man who stopped me, put something in my shirt pocket, turned, and walked away without saying a word. 
Another currency note !

Upon entering the terminal, I saw the soldiers gathering for their Trip up to their training area.. I walked over to them and handed them all the currency notes that was given to me on the flight and said. 'It will take you some time to reach your training area. It will be about time for a sandwich. May God Bless You.' and thank you for doing whatever you do.

Ten young men of honour left that flight feeling the love and respect of their fellow countrymen. As I walked briskly to my car, I whispered a prayer for their safe return. These soldiers were giving their all for our country. I could only give them a couple of meals. 
It seemed so little...

A Serviceman is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank cheque made payable to ' India ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'

That is Honour, and there are way too many people in this country who don't understand it.............

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Extreme Work Pressure:

⚠ I was flashing my ID card instead of  unlocking the house door withkeys.

⚠Me and my friends went out for dinner in one of the best restaurants and as I finished I started walking towards the wash basin with Plates in my hand.

⚠I don't login to facebook, youtube, etc.. at my personal internet connection at home... thinking it will be blocked any way. Till I realize that I am at home.

⚠Once after talking to one of my friends I ended the conversation saying, "Ok bye... in case of any issues will call you back"

⚠Once I went to a pharmacy and asked for a tab. Pharmacist asked whether I want 250mg or 500mg? I replied 256mb. Thank god he didn't notice.

⚠After a hectic week, went to a movie. In the middle of the movie, when I wanted to check the time, I kept repeatedly glancing at the bottom right corner of the Theatre Screen.

😄So avoid working so hard !😄

Have a great work-life balance.

An employee opens his tiffin box on the road side to see, whether he is going to office, or coming back from office.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Finally, the Husbands' point of view:

At last a Husband has gathered the courage and taken the time to write down  all of these.

We always hear "the rules" from the Wife's side. 

Now here are the rules from the husband's side.

These are our rules! Please note.. 
These are all numbered "1" because each one is as important as the others !!!

1. Husbands ARE not mind readers.

1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Neither do Strong hints! Obvious hints never! Our wiring does not take them!!  Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly Acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only If you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted in two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one .

1. You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done. Not both.

1. If you already know best how to do it, please just do it yourself.

1. When I am seeing tv, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not! A color. Like Pumpkin!  We have no idea what mauve or lavender is.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football, cars, bikes or games or page 3 pyts.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. U r in shape..... Round IS also a shape!

1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;
But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

Pass this to as many men as you can - to give them a laugh..

Pass this to as many women too as you can - to give them a rather bigger laugh.

Thursday, 4 February 2016


Mail sent by Narayan Murthy to all Infosys staff:

1-If you are working more than 9 hr then dont need to join Infosys.

2-If you are working on saturday and sunday dont join infosys (for IT).

3-Whatever time define in your task complete within time.

Fire all people who fall in criteria 1,2,3.

It’s half past 8 in the office but the lights are still on… PCs still running, coffee machines still buzzing… And who’s at work? Most of them ??? Take a closer look…

All or most specimens are ?? Something male species of the human race…

Look closer… again all or most of them are bachelors…

And why are they sitting late? Working hard? No way!!! Any guesses??? Let’s ask one of them… Here’s what he says… ‘What’s there 2 do after going home…Here we get to surf, AC, phone, food, coffee that is why I am working late…Importantly no bossssssss!!!!!!!!!!!’

This is the scene in most research centers and software companies and other off-shore offices.

Bachelors ‘Passing-Time’ during late hours in the office just bcoz they say they’ve nothing else to do… Now what r the consequences…

‘Working’ (for the record only) late hours soon becomes part of the institute or company culture.

With bosses more than eager to provide support to those ‘working’ late in the form of taxi vouchers, food vouchers and of course good feedback, (oh, he’s a hard worker….. goes home only to change..!!). They aren’t helping things too…

To hell with bosses who don’t understand the difference between ‘sitting’ late and ‘working’ late!!!

Very soon, the boss start expecting all employees to put in extra working hours.

So, My dear Bachelors let me tell you, life changes when u get married and start having a family… office is no longer a priority, family is… and That’s when the problem starts… b’coz u start having commitments at home too.

For your boss, the earlier ‘hardworking’ guy suddenly seems to become a ‘early leaver’ even if u leave an hour after regular time… after doing the same amount of work.

People leaving on time after doing their tasks for the day are labelled as work-shirkers…

Girls who thankfully always (its changing nowadays… though) leave on time are labelled as ‘not up to it’. All the while, the bachelors pat their own backs and carry on ‘working’ not realizing that they r spoiling the work culture at their own place and never realize that they would have to regret at one point of time.

So what’s the moral of the story??
* Very clear, LEAVE ON TIME!!!
* Never put in extra time ‘ unless really needed ‘
* Don’t stay back unnecessarily and spoil your company work culture which will in turn cause inconvenience to you and your colleagues.

There are hundred other things to do in the evening..

Learn music…..

Learn a foreign language…

Try a sport… TT, cricket………..

Importantly,get a girl friend or boy friend, take him/her around town…

* And for heaven’s sake, net cafe rates have dropped to an all-time low (plus, no fire-walls) and try cooking for a change.

Take a tip from the Smirnoff ad: *’Life’s calling, where are you??’*

Please pass on this message to all those colleagues and please do it before leaving time, don’t stay back till midnight to forward this!!!




👉 Turmeric and Milk have natural Antibiotic properties.

👉 Including these two natural ingredients in your everyday diet can prevent diseases and infections. 

👉 Turmeric when mixed with milk can be very beneficial for number of health problems.

👉 This is an effective remedy to fight hazardous environmental toxins and harmful microorganisms.

📝 RECIPE for Turmeric Milk :

1.      Take 1 inch piece (FRESH) Turmeric root.
If Fresh type is not available then use 1 level tsp Turmeric Powder.

2.      150mls  or I glass Milk.

3.       Boil Turmeric and Milk for 15 minutes.

4.      Strain the milk (remove fresh Turmeric piece out).

5.      Cool it and drink this milk.
👍 Benefits of Turmeric Milk 👌
1.     Respiratory illness :

      👆  Turmeric milk is an anti-microbial which attacks bacterial infections 150 viral infections.

👉 It is useful to treat illnesses related to respiratory system, since the spice heats up your body and provides quick relief from lung congestion and sinuses.

👉 This is also an effective remedy to cure asthma and bronchitis.
2.     Cancer :

       👆 This milk prevents and stops the growth of breast, skin, lung, prostate, and colon cancers, since it has anti-inflammatory properties.

👉 This prevents cancer cells from damaging DNA and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.
3.     Anti Inflammatory :

       👆 Turmeric milk is anti-inflammatory, that can prevent and protect arthritis and stomach ulcers.

👉 This is also known as ‘natural aspirin’ that can cure headaches, swelling and pain.
4.     Cold and Cough :

       👆 Turmeric Milk is considered as a best remedy for cold and cough due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties.

👉 It gives instant relief to sore throat, cough and cold.

5.     Arthritis :

    👆 Turmeric Milk is used to cure arthritis and treat swelling due to rheumatoid arthritis.

👉 It also helps to make the joints and muscles flexible by reducing the pain.
6.     Aches and Pains :

       👆 Turmeric golden milk gives best relief from aches and pains.

👉 This can also strengthen the spine and joints in the body.
7.     Antioxidant :

      👆 Turmeric milk is excellent source of antioxidants, which fights free radicals.

👉 This can cure many ailments.
8.     Blood Purifier :

    👆 Turmeric Milk is considered as an excellent blood purifier and cleanser.

👉 It can revitalize and boost blood circulation in the body.

👉 It is also a blood thinner that cleanses the lymphatic system and blood vessels from all impurities.
9.     Liver Detox :

       👆 Turmeric milk is a natural liver detoxifier and blood purifier that boosts liver function.

👉 It supports the liver and cleanses the lymphatic system.
10.   Bone Health :

       👆 Turmeric milk is a good source of calcium which is a must to keep the bones healthy and strong.  

 👉 Turmeric milk lowers bone loss and osteoporosis.
11.   Digestive Health :

       👆 It is a powerful antiseptic that promotes intestinal health and treats stomach ulcers and colitis. 

👉 This helps in better digestive health and prevents ulcers, diarrhea and indigestion.
12.   Menstrual Cramps :

       👆 Turmeric milk works wonder as it is antispasmodic that eases menstrual cramps and pain.   
👉 Pregnant women should take golden turmeric milk for easy delivery, post partum recovery, improved lactation and faster contraction of ovaries.
13.   Rash and Skin Redness :

       👆 Ancient queens took turmeric milk baths for soft, supple and glowing skin. 

👉 Similarly, drink turmeric milk for glowing skin.

👉 Soak turmeric milk in a cotton ball ; apply on the affected area for 15 minutes to reduce skin redness and blotchy patches.

👆 This will make the skin more radiant and glowing than before.
14.   Weight Loss :

     👆 Turmeric milk helps in the breakdown of dietary fat.

👉 This can be useful to control weight.
15.   Eczema :

       👆 Drink a glass of turmeric milk everyday to treat eczema.
16.   Insomnia :

       👆 Warm turmeric milk produces an amino acid, tryptophan ; that induces peaceful and blissful sleep.

By Dr ifthi @ +919894487919