Saturday, 27 August 2016


बड़े गुस्से से मैं घर से चला आया ..

इतना गुस्सा था की गलती से पापा के ही जूते पहन के निकल गया 
मैं आज बस घर छोड़ दूंगा, और तभी लौटूंगा जब बहुत बड़ा आदमी बन जाऊंगा ...

जब मोटर साइकिल नहीं दिलवा सकते थे, तो क्यूँ इंजीनियर बनाने के सपने देखतें है .....
आज मैं पापा का पर्स भी उठा लाया था .... जिसे किसी को हाथ तक न लगाने देते थे ...

मुझे पता है इस पर्स मैं जरुर पैसो के हिसाब की डायरी होगी ....
पता तो चले कितना माल छुपाया है .....
माँ से भी ...

इसीलिए हाथ नहीं लगाने देते किसी को..

जैसे ही मैं कच्चे रास्ते से सड़क पर आया, मुझे लगा जूतों में कुछ चुभ रहा है ....
मैंने जूता निकाल कर देखा .....
मेरी एडी से थोडा सा खून रिस आया था ...
जूते की कोई कील निकली हुयी थी, दर्द तो हुआ पर गुस्सा बहुत था ..

और मुझे जाना ही था घर छोड़कर ...

जैसे ही कुछ दूर चला ....
मुझे पांवो में गिला गिला लगा, सड़क पर पानी बिखरा पड़ा था ....
पाँव उठा के देखा तो जूते का तला टुटा था .....

जैसे तेसे लंगडाकर बस स्टॉप पहुंचा, पता चला एक घंटे तक कोई बस नहीं थी .....

मैंने सोचा क्यों न पर्स की तलाशी ली जाये ....

मैंने पर्स खोला, एक पर्ची दिखाई दी, लिखा था..
लैपटॉप के लिए 40 हजार उधार लिए
पर लैपटॉप तो घर मैं मेरे पास है ?

दूसरा एक मुड़ा हुआ पन्ना देखा, उसमे उनके ऑफिस की किसी हॉबी डे का लिखा था 
उन्होंने हॉबी लिखी अच्छे जूते पहनना ......
ओह....अच्छे जुते पहनना ???
पर उनके जुते तो ...........!!!!

माँ पिछले चार महीने से हर पहली को कहती है नए जुते ले लो ...
और वे हर बार कहते "अभी तो 6 महीने जूते और चलेंगे .."
मैं अब समझा कितने चलेंगे

......तीसरी पर्ची ..........
पुराना स्कूटर दीजिये एक्सचेंज में नयी मोटर साइकिल ले जाइये ...
पढ़ते ही दिमाग घूम गया.....
पापा का स्कूटर .............

मैं घर की और भागा........
अब पांवो में वो कील नही चुभ रही थी ....

मैं घर पहुंचा .....
न पापा थे न स्कूटर ..............
ओह्ह्ह नही
मैं समझ गया कहाँ गए ....

मैं दौड़ा .....
एजेंसी पर पहुंचा......
पापा वहीँ थे ...............

मैंने उनको गले से लगा लिया, और आंसुओ से उनका कन्धा भिगो दिया ..

.....नहीं...पापा नहीं........ मुझे नहीं चाहिए मोटर साइकिल...

बस आप नए जुते ले लो और मुझे अब बड़ा आदमी बनना है..

वो भी आपके तरीके से ...।।

"माँ" एक ऐसी बैंक है जहाँ आप हर भावना और दुख जमा कर सकते है...


"पापा" एक ऐसा क्रेडिट कार्ड है जिनके पास बैलेंस न होते हुए भी हमारे सपने पूरे करने की कोशिश करते है........Always Love Your Parents💕 

Saturday, 20 August 2016


One day a school teacher wrote on the board the following:

When she was done, she looked to the students and they were all laughing at her, because of the first equation which was wrong, and then the teacher said the following,

"I wrote that first one wrong on purpose, because I wanted you to learn something important. This was for you to know how the world out there will treat you. You can see that I wrote RIGHT 9 times, but none of you congratulated me for it; you all laughed and criticized me because of one wrong thing I did. So this is the lesson...:

'The world will never appreciate the good you do a million times, but will criticize the one wrong thing you do... 


Friday, 19 August 2016


A friend's daughter posted this on fb - worth sharing :- 

"For the Indian girls at Rio...

They defeated the ultrasound that declared 'it' was a 'she'.

They defeated the nurse declaring in a sombre tone 'ladki hai'.

They defeated murderous parents or even worse those who keep them alive but kill their spirit every single day.

They defeated the odds against them for parents "allowing" her to chase her dream.

They defeated the family pride that wants every Indian child to be a doctor or engineer.

They defeated the school teacher who said "it's not a girl's game".

They defeated bad sports infrastructure and even lack of healthy food needed to fuel the fire.

They defeated a system where overweight foreign travelling officials, who have only played Ludo as a sports, decide her fate.

They defeated the Dada-Nana who told her "good girls don't wear short clothes".

They defeated the Dadi-Nani who told her not to play in sun and become "kaali-kaluthi."

They defeated friends who told her she needs to "control aggression and chill."

They defeated the pados waali Aunty ji who wondered "akele kahan-kahan ghumti hai aapki ladki."

They defeated the million eyes staring at her legs and not noticing the brilliant game she played.

They defeated the Bua jee and Mausi jee who ask "tum shadi kab karogi."

They defeated the journalist who asked her when she would "settle".

They defeated the cynics who thought they were pouting and clicking selfies on a fully paid foreign trip.

So dare not take even a slice of her glory by calling her HUMARI BETI!

They have achieved what they have not because of us. But despite us!"

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Letter to parents

Heritage School Kolkata sent this letter to all their board parents recently.....just loved it, so sharing with you all:

Dear Parent,

The exams of children are to start soon. I know you are all really anxious for your child to do well. 

But, please do remember, amongst the students, who will give the exams, is an artist, who doesn't need to understand Maths. 

There's an entrepreneur, who doesn't care about History or English literature. 

There's a musician, whose Chemistry marks won't matter.

There's a sportsperson, whose physical fitness is more important than Physics. 

If your child does get top marks then great. But, if he or she doesn't please don't take away their self- confidence from them. 

Tell them it's ok, it's just an exam. They are cut out for much bigger things in life.

Tell them, no matter what they score, you love them and will not judge them.

Please do this and if you do, watch your children conquer the world. One exam or a 90 percent won't take away their dreams and talent.

With Warm Regards,