*In Current Lok Sabha the Parties Strength*
*BJP=283 Seats* 2+8+3 = *13*
*NDA=337* Seats3+3+7 = *13*
*UPA= 58*
Seats 5+8 = *13*
*OTHERS =148*
Seats = 1 + 4 + 8 = *13*
*Prediction of Nostradamus*
*“450 years ago Nostradamus predicted Modi Era” : How ???*
French prophet Nostradamus wrote
*That from 2014 to 2026, a man will lead india, whom initially, people will hate but after that people will love him so much that he will be engaged in changing the country’s plight and direction.*
*This was predicted in the year 1555. Written in French and translated into Marathi language by the famous astrologer of Maharashtra Dr.Ram Chandra Joshi.*
*It is clearly written on the 32-33 page,
*“Wait Ram Rajya is coming”*
*A middle aged superpower administrator will bring golden age not only in India*
*But on the entire Earth, who will revive his Sanatana Dharma and will make India the best*
*Hindu nation by defeating the evils and would be placed on Power of its Own.*
*Under his leadership India will not only just become the Global Master, but many countries will also come into the shelter of India.*
*COINCIDENCES ?? ??* --------------------------
I *Buddha was married, but he left his wife and went out in search of the truth.*
His wife lived alone.
*His wife’s name was Yashodara*
II. *Mahavira was also married,*
But he also left his wife and became monastic.
His wife lived alone.
*His wife’s name was Yashoda.*
III. *Modi also married,*
but he left his wife and put his life in serving the nation.
His wife is also living alone.
*His wife’s name is Yashodaben*
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