Saturday, 12 November 2016

Frustrations & Reactions

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जैसे जीवट वाले व्यक्ति ने आज जिस अंदाज़ में सार्वजनिक मंच से कहा है कि "ये लोग मुझे ज़िंदा नहीं छोड़ेंगे..."
इससे यह स्पष्ट हो गया है कि स्थिति बहुत भयंकर और असहनीय रूप ले चुकी है.....
एक अकेला व्यक्ति 125 करोड़ हिंदुस्तानियों के हिस्से का ज़हर "नीलकण्ठ" महादेव बनकर पी रहा है.
एक अकेला व्यक्ति देश के अंदर मौजूद सारे राक्षसों के साथ-साथ अनगिनत विदेशी दुश्मनों (पाकिस्तान सरकार, पाकिस्तान की सेना, आईएस आई, दाऊद इब्राहिम, हाफिज सईद, चीन) के निशाने पर है......
क्योंकि देश के इतिहास में पहली बार किसी अकेले आदमी ने इतने सारे दुश्मनों की एक साथ नींद हराम कर दी है...

ये अच्छाई और बुराई का महासंग्राम है, हमको तैयार रहना है और मोदी जी का साथ देना है, क्योंकि अगर इन सभी राक्षसों ने मोदीजी को अगर अपने चक्रव्यूह में फंसा लिया तो फिर सदियों तक कोई दूसरा मोदी पैदा नहीं होगा...

Do you want to know why the govt printed the 2000 notes instead of 1000 notes. It is due to peak theory in Charted account parlance. A CA is explaining to those questioning on this logic

Sir, let us Simply take 2 Scenarios to understand the funda !
Scenario A : If as per your suggestion ,  Rs. 2000 Note are not issued but only New Rs. 1000 Notes are issued.
Lets say , for example Mr. X has Rs. 1,00,000/- black money in 100 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each.
Mr. X divides those Rs. 1,00,000/- into 10 Equal Bundles, each comprising of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each and puts each Stack on a Table.
On Day 1 , in the morning Mr. X would deposit the first Bundle i.e. 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000 into the bank and on same Day 1 in the Evening he would withdraw 10 New Notes of Rs. 1000 again valued at Rs. 10,000 and put it in the Locker in his house.
Now the real Game starts.
On Day 2 : Morning , Mr. X would deposit the second bundle of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000 kept on the Table. However in his books of accounts submitted to Income Tax Department, he will show that he has deposited the same 10 New Notes which was withdrawn on Day 1 : Evening ( which is actually still lying in the Locker of House )
On Day 2 : Evening , Mr. X would again withdraw 10 New Notes of Rs. 1000 valued at Rs. 10,000/- and keep the same in Locker . So at the end of Day 2, Mr. X has Rs. 80,000 on Table in Old Notes and Rs. 20,000/- in New Notes in Locker.
Now Day 3 will come in next week as limit of Rs. 20000 per week.
The same exercise shall continue till Day 10 and by the end of Day 10, Mr. X shall have no Old Notes and Rs. 1,00,000 in 100 New 1000 Rupee Note in the Locker.
However, to the Income Tax Department, Mr. X has shown that he was having only Rs. 10,000/- as black money initially ( i.e. one bundle of 10 Notes of Rs. 1000 ) and he has rotated the same Rs. 10,000/- by depositing it into Bank account in the morning and withdrawing it in the evening and again redepositing the same on next day and so on.
Thus, Mr. X has paid tax only on initial Rs. 10,000 whereas he has managed to convert all his Black money of Rs. 1,00,000 into new Notes.
This Modus operandi is called Peak theory i.e. theory of rotation of same money which is accepted by most of the High Courts and Tribunals.  Revenue is also helpless to catch Mr. X because the above scenario can also occur in genuine cases where you withdraw money from bank to purchase something and then when you think that no good deal is available, you may again deposit the same money into your bank account and are not required to pay tax again.
Scenario B :  Watch what happens when PM issues New 2000 Rupee Note instead of 1000….! 
Mr. X deposits first bundle of 10 Old Notes lying on Table in the Bank on Day 1 : Morning and then he withdraws 5 New Notes of Rs. 2000 on Day 1: Evening and keeps it in locker.
Now on Day 2 : Morning when he goes to deposit second bundle of 10 Old Notes of Rs. 1000 each and wrongly shows the Income Tax Department that he has redeposited the same money which was withdrawn on Day 1:Evening – Bingo !!!
He is caught red handed !! because the Bank slip on Day 2 submitted to bank shows deposition of 10 Notes of Rs. 1000 each whereas the Govt knows that Mr. X could never have withdrawn on Day 1 any note of Rs. 1000 because they were never Printed !!!!
Now Isn’t it really a Master Stroke by Mr. Narendra Modi 
The above example also gives you an explanation as to why the withdrawal limit is kept so low

*आज के हालात में मोदी जी की जान को कदम-कदम पर खतरा मंडरा रहा है सारी राजनीतिक पार्टियां उनके खून की प्यासी हो चुकी है और इस खतरे को मोदी जी भी भांप चुके हैं यहीं कारण है आज पहली बार उन्होंने जनता को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि राजनीतिक विरोधी मुझे जिंदा नहीं छोड़ेंगे वो मुझे बर्बाद करने पर तुले है चाहे मुझे जिंदा ही क्यों न जला दे लेकिन मेरे होते हुए इस देश की एक-एक पाई का हिसाब लेकर रहूंगा। आज उन्होंने भाषण समाप्ति के बाद जिस प्रकार लोगों का अभिवादन किया वो ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे कोई इंसान अपने जीवन पर होने वाले खतरे को महसूस कर रहा हो।*
*गद्दारों का अस्तित्व समाप्त करने के लिए मोदी जी अब अपनी पूरी ताकत लगा रहे हैं वे उनके द्वारा अब तक लूटी गई काली कमाई को बाहर निकालने के लिए चुनौती दे रहे हैं और कह रहे हैं कि वे किसी भी कालेधन वाले को छोड़ने वाले नहीं हैं।*
*देशहित में की गई कालेधन की कार्यवाही के बाद जिस तरह पूरा विपक्ष एक होकर अपनी कमाई बचाने के लिए मोदी जी पर हमले कर रहे हैं जिस कारण उनके कंगाल होने का खतरा मंडरा रहा है विपक्षियों की हताशा साबित कर रही है कि वह अपना अस्तित्व बचाने के लिए किसी भी हद से गुजरने को तैयार बैठे हैं।*
*ममता, केजरी, राहुल, माया, मुलायम, लालू व कई राजनीतिक दल रोज कुछ न कुछ षड्यंत्र कर जनता में अराजकता फैलाने पर उतर आए हैं। और आगे पता नहीं क्या क्या षड्यंत्र करेंगे।*
*शिवसेना जैसी सहयोगी पार्टी भी इस फैसले की निंदा कर रही है।*
*ममता अपने धुर विरोधी दल कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी से सहयोग मांग रही है।*
*केजरीवाल सुबह से शाम तक पागल कुत्ते की तरह भौक रहा है।*
*राहुल 4000 रू के लिए लाईन में लग रहा है।*
*और इन सबकी वजह सिर्फ यही है कि लोगों में आक्रोश पैदा किया जाए।*
*सबसे ज्यादा सोचने वाली बात तो यह है कि शरद पवार जैसा व्यक्ति जिसके पास बेशुमार काली कमाई है जिसके घर दाउद के फोन की लोकेशन पाई जाती है।वह मोदी जी के कार्यशैली की तारीफ कर रहा है अचानक मोदी जी की तारीफो के पुल बांध रहा है आखिर इसके पीछे क्या षड्यंत्र रचा जा रहा है ? कहीं ये मोदी जी को नुकसान पहुंचा कर खूद को उनका हितेशी बनने का तरीका तो नहीं ?*
*मित्रो कहीं न कहीं देश के गद्दार बड़ा षड्यंत्र रच रहे हैं मोदीजी को अपने रास्ते से हटाने का ब्लू प्रिंट तैयार किया जा रहा है देश कि जनता को भड़का कर उत्पात मचाया जा सकता है जिसका सबूत नमक, शक्कर जैसी चीजों की अफवाहें फैलाना है अभी तो मात्र 4 दिन हुए हैं आगे तो भगवान् ही मालिक है।*
*मित्रों मै ये बात इसलिए कह रहा हूँ कहीं देर न हो जाए, कुछ पाने से पहले ही हम सब कुछ न खो जाए उसके पहले ही हमें सड़कों पर उतर कर मोदी के साथ खड़े होना ही पडेगा। क्योंकि हमारी एकमात्र उम्मीद सिर्फ और सिर्फ मोदी जी ही है आज उनकी जान की कीमत मेरे जैसे हजारो लोगों से भी बढ़कर है। अब वक्त आ गया है कि हमे अपनी वैचारिक शक्ति के साथ साथ ताकत भी दिखाना आवश्यक हो गया है जिसके लिए हमें सड़कों पर उतर कर मोदी जी के काम में सहयोग करना ही होगा। विपक्षियों को अब अपनी ताकत दिखाने का वक्त आ गया है कृपया अपने अपने क्षेत्र में अपने सहयोगियों को साथ लेकर व्यवस्था परिवर्तन में सहयोग करें। जिससे देश के गद्दारों के हौसले को तोड़ा जा सके।*
*🚩भारत माता कि जय🚩*

Today I went to the bank and collected the brand new 2000rs notes.When I turned over the note I found something peculiar. The RBI governor's signature had the name Urjit Patel on it. The announcement by Modi clearly said the printing and preparations began 6 months ago. Urjit Patel was appointed September end.Urjit Patel, former employee of Reliance. So then was the decision to sack Raghuram Rajan already taken six months ago and his replacement chosen. More importantly,was he sacked bcoz he asked banks to declare their NPAs (non performing assets or bad debts). What are these huge NPAs crippling the banks ? Loans taken by corporate fatcats like Ambanis, Adanis etc who among them have taken lakhs of crores as loans never to be returned to the public. The banks were cash strapped and the financial genius Raghuram Rajan's medicine was to declare losses and start afresh.He was sacked unceremoniously.So, my question is, did this move to demonetise the currency( 86 percent of all currency in circulation is 500 and 1000 rs.) a move help Ambani Bhai and their friends?¿??? If this is true,then this is TRULY the BIGGEST SCAM perpetrated on us citizens😱😱😱

Yes. We all are struggling a bit now.. money is not flowing.. for few days we may need to spend less , eat less &  No shopping. But all these will be for very short period. We are all part of a greatest initiative ... The very unique in the history of economics .. much needed for the nation, for economy & to stop terrorism.. let's not focus on news channels.. political parties are doing their best to oppose this.  We have to be matured .. if you can't control  your needs now. Then imagine what will be your situation if there is a war going on.. let's stay calm .. do not panic.. & support this greatest initiative. Let's live in less for few days for the Nation. :-)

अफवाह वो लोग उड़ा रहे है जिनका काला धन कचरा हो गया है वैसे आपको बता दें की देश में स्वार्थी लोगों की भी कोई कमी नहीं है, ये लोग सिनेमा हॉल, क्रिकेट की टिकेट, शराब खरीदने के लिए तो लाइन में लगते है पर इनको देश के भले के लिए लाइन में लगने में समस्या आ रही है और ये लोग शिकायते बता रहे है।
आपको हम कुछ लाइन  दिखाना चाहते है और ये बैंक के बाहर की लाइन नहीं बल्कि, "जिओ" सिम के लिए लगने वाली लाइन है।
लंबी लंबी लाइन, "जिओ" सिम के लिए तो लग सकती है, कोई शिकायत नहीं बताता, पर देश के लिए बैंक के बाहर लाइन लग गयी तो शिकायते बताने लगे, साफ़ है की देश में ऐसे लोगों की भी कोई कमी नहीं है जो स्वार्थी अधिक और राष्ट्रवादी कम है।
जापान जैसे देश में तो लोग राष्ट्र के लिए भूखे रहने को तैयार थे,  पर अमरीकी और चीनी सामान नहीं लिया, पर भारत के लोगों में राष्ट्रवाद की कमी तो है ही जो देशहित के लिए लाइन में भी लगने पर शिकायत बता रहे है।
इन घटीया नेताऔ की वजह से।
हर कड़े फैसले के चाहे वो कितना भी अच्छा हो, उसके हमेशा 2 पहलु होते है, एक तो अच्छा और एक बुरा, देशहित में प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने जो कड़ा फैसला लिया है उस से देश को और देश के भविष्य को लाभ होगा।
पर इस फैसले से जनता को कुछ दिनों की तकलीफ भी होगी, पर देशहित के लिए हमेशाक़ुरबानी देनी होती है, और उसक़ुरबानी का लाभ अंततः देश और देश के लोगों को ही मिलता है।
जाली नोट का धंधा करने वाले या काला धन रखने वाले नेता अपना दर्द छुपाने के लिए आम जनता को गुमराह करना चाहते है।
पुराने 1000,500 के नोट बंद होने से, होने वाले बड़े देशहित को छुपाके कुछ दिक्कतों का हवाला दे रहे है।
इनकी चाल को समझें और आम जनता को समझाने में भी मदत करें ताकि वो परेशान या गुमराह न हो ....
ये फैसला भरष्टाचार, टेक्स चोर, जाली नोट का धंधा करने वाले, आतंकवाद को रोकने या कम करने के लिए लिया है सरकार ने ...
हम देशहित में बोर्डर पे 24 घण्टे तैनात नहीं है हमें गोली नहीं खानी है ,क्या देशहित में हम इतनी परेशानी नहीं उठा सकते है।
देश की मीडिया ये नही बता रही की इस फैसले से देश का कितना भला होगा, देश का भला होगा तो उसका लाभ जनता को ही तो मिलेगा
देश में 35000 करोड़ का जाली नोटख़त्म हो गया है, मीडिया इस फैसले से भारत को होने वाले लाभ नहीं बता रही
मीडिया नेगेटिव चीज फैला रही है, अरे ये देश और यहाँ के लोग, देशहित मेंक़ुरबानी तक को तैयार रहते है।
कुछ दिनों की तकलीफ हंसकर झेल सकते है, देशहित के लिएक़ुरबानी देना होता है और देश तैयार है, देश के जिम्मदार लोग फैसले से बेहद खुश है
मीडिया वालों नेगेटिव चीज फैलाकर इस प्रधानमंत्री के विरुद्ध माहैल मत बनाओ।

जय हिन्द

Why all the Violence in Jammu-Kashmir Has Suddenly Stopped???

The unemployed and uneducated youth in Kashmir have a source of income there. 

All they need to do is to present themselves as “Freedom Fighters” of Kashmir. 

Then they have to perform some thrilling and adventurous activities. 

They get paid accordingly! 

A fun-filled job for the youth. More so for school-going children. 
There is a risk of injury of course, but who cares when the blood is hot and money is easy?

Their Rate-Card is fixed. 

For throwing stones at the Indian Army Jawans, Rs 100 to Rs 500 per day. 
For stealing their weapons Rs 500 per weapon. 
For Grenade stealing and lobbying Rs 1000 per Grenade. 
But suddenly these brave Stone Pelters seem to be jobless. 
To be precise, since the historic move of Demonetization by our PM Modi , these misguided Kashmiri youth have lost their daily wages and daily thrilling experiences.

These agitations in Kashmir are staged by separatists like Syed Geelani, Yasin Malik Sheikh Yaqoob and so on. 
The payments are to be made on a day to day basis to the poor young Stone pelters. Suddenly they are unable to pay these young kids. 

With no monetary returns, these young kids discover that they are no longer the ‘freedom fighters’ of Kashmir.

The investigating agencies have found a steady flow of money into Kashmir through Hawala channels of Pakistan. 

According to the report from Ministry of Home Affairs and few probing agencies, Crores of rupees have been smuggled to Jammu and Kashmir in gas cylinders. 

All of a sudden, PM Modi announces Demonetization. 

The crores of money stashed in Hawala Channels suddenly cease to be money. 

It becomes a pile of papers. 

Separatists are clueless, their funders speechless and as a result the stone pelters jobless. 

PM Modi kills three birds in one stone called ‘Demonetization’! 

As it turns out, PM Modi plays a Stone Pelter to this trio.

The Jammu and Kashmir Police has reported to New Delhi that separatists are bewildered by this crisis of Demonetization. 

The black money supplied by Pakistan through Hawala channels to Pro-Pakistan Separatists is in 500 and 1000 denominations. 

On 8th September, late evening PM Modi’s announcement of Demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes was heartily applauded by Indians. 

But it surely sent a chill down the spines of all anti-national people. 

Separatists are panicked beyond limit as their source of income has dried up all of a sudden. 

Surprisingly (or not so) ,many politicians from Congress, Aam Aadmi Party and Paid Media are whining in the same tunes of these separatists.

It is stated by Top Intelligence officials that the backbone of the network of separatists is badly broken with the stoppage of funds from last few 3-4 days. 

With all the piled black money of Hawala discarded, Kashmir Agitation agenda of Separatists will have to be postponed. 

The Hawala Channel needs to recuperate from the shattering loss and build back their network of black money slowly. 

The process of recovery is going to take at least 4 to 5 months. 

Separatists have to keep their activities on hold.

And in the meantime we Indians are happy! 

PM Modi’s Demonetization has not only destroyed black money in the country, but it also has spared our Jawans in Kashmir of getting hit by a hurling stone!

Jyothi Suparna Chincholi

Forwarded as received........

Dear Modiji

I voted for you. Because I wanted change. 
Now I am confused because I have no change for the two thousand rupees you have given me. 

I am a single mother of three trying to work and balance home. 
I had fifty thousand at home for emergencies on the day you declared them waste paper. 
This was not black money. This was money I had earned and worked hard and saved. 

I know I can put them back in my bank but have you seen the queues 

I took a holiday stood five hours outside a bank and got four thousand rupees in two thousand rupees notes. 

After that I had no energy to stand in queue to deposit rest of the money

Elated with my money I went to the milk stall. 
The man very curtly told me if you have change buy the milk because I have no change
He showed me his own two thousand rupees notes he got from the bank. 
These are useless he grumbled

I went to my favourite vegetable vendor
She had very few vegetables
What happened I asked her
She said she had very little money to buy vegetables
Then she looked at me warily and asked, Memsaab you will give me change for the vegetables?
I have no change

I looked at the two thousand in my hand and said I have this
She removed her two thousand and showed me. I also have only that. 

No milk no fruits for the kids today

My head was throbbing I went to the chemist. 
A board greeted me 
We will accept only hundred rupees.
 We accept higher denomination currency only if you use the complete amount with us

Went to grocer asked for bread and butter and a bottle of water
Went to pay with my two thousand rupees 
He looked at me sadly
Aunty I have no change but since you are a regular customer you can pay me later
I took the goods and hailed an auto

Instead of the usual surly, Kidhar jaana hai he belted out, Choota hai to baitho.
I showed him my two thousand rupees he showed me his

I started walking home
Tired I reached home
Gave the kids bread butter and water
They looked at me puzzled, Mom why we don't have proper food today? they innocently asked. 

I showed them the crisp new two thousand rupees

This is Monopoly money? The young one asked innocently .

Yes it is, I replied because it can buy only imaginary goods

Called the boss. Asked for a leave next day
He said, why? Did you not get to exchange your money
I said, Yes but it was no use the crisp notes were useless anywhere I went
So what will you do with another leave he said. They will still give to another two thousand rupees. 

I said I don't want leave to go to bank I want leave to start a protest. 
What, he exclaimed

I said, no one seems to be protesting this arbitrary decision. 

Those with black money are still sitting in their AC palaces.
They are not standing in queues to get their own money.
The ones with black money are now poorer by a few crores but what difference those few crores will make when they have so much.

It's us the common folk who are bearing the brunt of this abrupt change Modiji thought of.
I can't use my own money, old or new.
Can you imagine how many like me are there in this country who are so badly hit by this. 

My boss was quiet.
Where are you staging the protest?
I will join you.

Can NaMo Get Away With It?
By S Balakrishnan Ex-TOI...

PM Modi has triggered a massive  quake in our economy which is immeasurable on any Richter scale. He has not made a surgical strike, but made a full-throttle  frontal attack with main battle tanks et al on black money.
In one stroke he has angered extremely powerful and deeply entrenched vested interests who will definitely hit back and try to unseat him by exploiting the immediate inconvenience which people are facing over the demonetisation. Through their natural allies in the Congress, the Left, the corrupt bureaucracy and the media  they will try their best to create law and order problems across the nation. Most of the bank unions are controlled by the Left and it will not be surprising if they are instructed by their comrade leaders to effectively sabotage the demonetisation.

Both the Congress and the Left are near- totally marginalised in the political spectrum and they may well fan discontent to claw back to the centrestage . In fact, these vested interests have already set in motion their plan to destabilise Modi. They are already cynically using the caste card in Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra etc. The petitions before the Supreme Court filed by Muslim women against triple talaq n polygamy are being used to create insecurity among the Muslims. 

The ISI and its agents will now work overtime. Even within the BJP these vested interests have their representatives who will try to internally weaken Modi.

Friends, this is a challenge before all of us. Let's do everything possible to make a huge success of Modi's game-changing idea which is aimed at strengthening our economy. We should tell people not to panic. There is ample time to exchange your old Rs 500 n Rs 1000 notes.  We are facing a now-or-never situation. We should defeat the demons who will do everything possible to sabotage Modi's dream. India should win!!
S Balakrishna- former City Editor, TOI Mumbai.

नोटों(लक्षमी)को नदियो में बहाना, जलाना सही या किसी की जिंदगी बदल देना।

काले धन पर मोदी जी को नाज होना चाहिए, आज 5 खबर ऐसी सुनने को मिली जिसमें दिल गदगद हो गया सूरत के बिल्डर लालजीभाई पटेल ने 6,000 करोड़ रुपए सरेंडर किए दूसरी खबर यह आई है राज स्थान के गांव जालौर जिले के रानीवाड़ा तहसील के जाखड़ी गांव में एक राजपूत शेर ने 80 करोड रुपए को गांव में बांट दिया जिसके कारण हर एक गांव वाले के घर में दो लाख रुपए आराम से पहुंच गए इसी प्रकार तमिलनाडु के एक मंत्री ने अपने पास जमा पड़े 300 करोड रुपए को अपने पहचान वाले छोटे-मोटे दुकानदार साफ-सफाई वाले और परिचित लोगों को दो - दो, ढाई - ढाई लाख रुपए देकर बहुत बड़ा आशीर्वाद प्राप्त किया, चौथी न्यूज़ यह है कि इंदौर के गुजराती बिजनेसमैन शंकरलाल विद्वान मैं अपने पास काम कर रहे 600 मजदूरों को एक एक लाख रुपए बांटकर काला धन को रास्ते लगाया हाशमी न्यूज़ यह है महाराष्ट्र के पुणे के एक डॉक्टर ने अपनी कमाई हुई 20 बरस की कमाई को वापस अपने पुराने कस्टमर यानी जान पहचान वाले मरीजों को बुला बुला कर 2 / 2 लाख रुपए बांट दिए मरीज खुश होकर घर गया दोस्तों सुनने में बड़ा अजीब लगा पर मैं सोचता हूं काला धन काला धन नष्ट करने का सबसे बड़ा तरीका यही है यार दोस्तों गांव वाले या छोटे मोटे दुकानदार या जान पहचान वाले लोगों की सहायता कर  आप आपस में बैठकर यह खुशियां प्राप्त कर सकते हैं इस से क्या है हर घर थोड़ा बहुत खुशियां अपने जीवन में ला सकता है नोटों को जलाना या फेकना लक्ष्मी का अपमान होता है जो आप को नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है जला कर फेकना या नष्ट करना यह एक तरह का अपराध है, आपको मेरी बात पसंद आए तो आप इस को आगे शेयर कीजिए इतने लोगों के पास पहुंचना चाहिए कि जो भी अपने काला धन यूज़ करना चाहता है तो इसको पढ़कर करें ताकि किसी गरीब के चेहरे पर भी मुस्कान लौट आएगी 🙏🙏🙏 आपका एक शेयर किसी को लखपति बना सकता है।

Govt asks banks to increase ATM withdrawal limit to Rs 2,500 per day

 The Union Finance Ministry on Sunday advised the banks to increase the cash withdrawal limit at ATMs from the existing Rs. 2,000 to Rs 2,500 per day in the recalibrated ATMs and to increase the exchange limit over the counter from the existing Rs 4,000 to Rs. 4,500.
The ministry further advised the banks to increase the Business Correspondents limit to Rs 2,500 for withdrawal from bank accounts and also the weekly limit of Rs. 20,000 for withdrawal from accounts has been increased to Rs. 24,000, removing the limit of Rs.10,000.
The decision came after the Finance Ministry reviewed the position regarding availability and distribution of all denomination of bank notes.
Furthermore, banks have been advised to increase the issuance and use of mobile wallets and debit/credit cards as also to provide them to those customers and establishments not having access to these non-cash means of payment and the last date for submission of the annual life certificate for the government pensioners, which is to be submitted in November every year, has been extended up to January 15.
In a statement, based on the reports received from the states, banks and other sources, the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, noted that in the first four days - November 10-13 up to 5 pm - about Rs 3 lakh crores of old Rs 500 and Rs. 1000 notes were deposited in various banks and about Rs 50,000 crores dispensed to customers either by withdrawal from their accounts or ATMs or by exchange at the counter, whereas during this period, the banking system handled about 21 crore transactions.
The statement said coordination is being continuously done by the ministry with the Reserve Bank of India ( RBI), banks and post offices to make all denomination notes available at all locations and instructions were given to the banks and post offices to ensure proper distribution of all denomination notes. Banks have also been especially advised to ensure the availability and distribution of small denomination notes.
Further, the states' chief secretaries have been requested to identify the rural pockets, if any, where availability of cash has been a problem and provide all support to the banks and post offices in order to ensure the last mile distribution of small denomination of notes is done through mobile banking vans and Banking Correspondents (BCs).
It has been reported that certain business houses such as hospitals, caterers, tent houses etc are not accepting cheques/demand drafts and online payment transfer from customers. It is advised that in such cases customer can make a complaint to the concerned District Magistrates/District Administration for action against such establishments, the ministry said.
The ministry said the Government of Assam has arranged mobile banking vans with support of banks and state government staff at certain hospitals for carrying out emergency banking transactions. All banks have now been advised to arrange mobile banking vans to the extent possible at major hospitals to carry out emergency banking transaction for patients.
Moreover, the banks have been advised to make arrangements for separate queues for senior citizens and Divyangs. Separate queues will also be arranged for exchange of cash to cash and transactions against bank accounts.
The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has made special arrangements like cash deposits /withdrawal and opening of new bank accounts in the remotely located areas with the help of banks and state government staff, said the ministry, adding that the state governments have been requested to facilitate opening of new bank accounts as a part of financial inclusion programme.
The Finance Ministry said the issuance of the Rs. 500 notes has already commenced.

आदमी उम्र के साठ साल पूरा करने से नहीं साठीयाता मोदीजी की फुर्ती देखो यारों राहुल गांधी से जवान दिखते है।

जो देश की प्रगति के खिलाफ है जिनके पास काला धन है जो विकास नहीं चाहते वो मोदी के फैसले के खिलाफ है।

अपने स्वार्थ से ऊपर उठ कर देश की भलाई की सोचो।

एक बात कान खोल कर ध्यान से समझ लेना कि मोदी के प्लान को पूरी तरह से अनुसरण करना वर्ना कल ये नहीं कहना कि मोदी के अगले झटके के बारे में बताया नहीं।

Surprise : 34 Things Modi Achieved For India Through De monetisation 

1.Maoists hit

2.No stone-pelting in J&K

3. Burning schools stopped in J&K

4.Corrupts burning cash

5. Daal crashes to Rs.80/kg in UP

6. Kirana shops/Panwalas installing debit card machines

7.Municipalities making record recoveries of house tax

8.Electricity companies making huge record recoveries of past arrears

9.Medicine shops making big sales

10. Delhi Metro smart cards sales increase

11.Many businessmen recovering past dues as old as 4 years and getting advance for new orders

12.Huge opportunities for mobile wallets

13. Banks plush with funds.Rs.3 lakh crore banked in 4 days!!! Cost of funds reduced for banks

14. Labourers paid Dihadi for standing in queues

15. All property deals involving black money in jeopardy.Benami in jeopardy

16. Property prices come down by 25%

17.Democracy deepened. All castes/creeds standing in same queue.

18.Fake currency rackets hit

19.Political parties spends in Punjab/UP hit

20 Najeeb Is suddenly Found & OROP is well

21. Rs.2000 notes will cut currency printing costs for Govt

22.Notes burnt by corrupts will reduce fiscal deficit as liability cancelled

21. ATMs to be reprogrammed. Business opportunities for software firms

21. Drug peddlers in Punjab hit

22.IT raids unerathing black money

23.Cops detecting /unearthing huge cash in nakabandi

27. Public not wasting time on faaltu test matches and watching faaltu bollywood movies. Facing real life !!!

28. Havala has come to a stand-still

29. Betting , Satta industry hit badly

30. Great precedent set-political leader taking hard decision benefitting nation not bothering about his political costs

31.People realise there can be a selfless politician.

32.People willing to bear short-term pains for long-term gains

33.Demands in other countries (Pakistan/Australia) to emulate India’s step. India again on way to regaining super power.

34. Message sent to the world that despite being a large diversified democracy India can take tough decisions and same well-received by people

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